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Poppy Scotland Learning 2

Did you know that poppies are also used to remember animals that help people in war?

Watch the video from the BBC bitesize website and see how many animals are mentioned. What special job did they have in the First World War? The video can be found by clicking here.

Look at the other pictures on this page and read about more animals and the different ways they helped.

E-mail to tell me your favourite animal and what you think of how it helped, OR, you could draw a picture of your favourite animal in action! Make sure to write PBO Learner Web on the subject line.

SECRET MISSION: WHO IS SERGEANT STUBBY?- Follow the link at the bottom of the page or click on link here to watch a short cartoon and find out about very special war hero.

What did you learn? - Take the quiz to find out. Let me know how well you did.

Web search mission:

Can you also find out what colour of poppies are used in some places to remember these special animals? Click here to find out more information.

You can also answer the question on this page about wearing a poppy and choosing your colour.

Please let me know if you try anything from my posts and what you think about the activities.

You can also give me ideas of what you would like on the learner section of the website.

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