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Spellzone - Free Trial

FREE trial of Spellzone website:

Here is a link and instructions on how to sign up for a completely free 5 day trial of a great online resource to help you improve your spelling. It would be really great if you could register for this and try it out please.

I have told managers at CLD (Community Learning and Development) that learners and Parklea might find this useful to improve their reading, writing and spelling skills.

Before CLD can spend money on a full year’s membership to the site, we would be grateful if you could complete the trial and then send your feedback and comments.

If Parklea learners like it and think the website will be useful CLD can then try to make it available to other CLD learners across Inverclyde that want to learn more about spelling and work on their skills in this area.

If you would like to be a tester for CLD learning resources please use the link below to go ahead and sign up.

There are more instructions on this e-mail if you need them.

They tell you how to complete the log in process and how you can changes things on the site to make it easier for you to use.

You might want to read them first and then click on the link.

Click on the link here:

The top of the page looks like this:

Which brings up choices for you to : hear the page read out loud, change the text size or font, or change font or background colour.

Read and listen to the information if you want and then, click on The Orange box, The single student option, for a FREE trial of the spelling resources.

On the next screen, shown below, complete your personal details. Check them over to make sure there are no mistakes and that you have taken a note of your password, exactly as you have entered it. Now click on the Submit button.

You will then get a message to say Spellzone will send you an email to activate your account.

Go to the e-mail. You will see a welcome message from Spellzone. Click on the link (the blue lettering that’s underlined) to confirm your email adress.

Welcome to Spellzone

Click here to confirm your email address and start using Spellzone. You will now be taken to the log in page of Spellzone . Enter your e-mail and password to get started.

Once you are in go to My Spellzone area. To get the most out of the site you should try the spelling ability test first. Based on your results, you will then be directed to the parts of the full course that it would be most helpful for you to work on, and you will be given links to these. (your own personal course pathway.)

This means you shouldn’t be working on the areas of spelling that you are already happy with – only those you might want to improve.

Good luck all you volunteer testers. I look forward to hearing what you think of this website.

Please e-mail at if you are going to try this out. If you want, I can give you a call before you get started , or you can just go ahead.

If you let me know the date started, I will then arrange to call you again when you have finished, to get your opinions and ask a few questions.

Thank you very much for taking part.


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